Given that the offset value generated by this project is 1,680 billion euros, several strategies that will contribute significantly to the development of our country's economy and the security of Romanian citizens have been identified.

The defining strategies for the Essential Security Interest consist of:

  • the defense industry strategy;
  • the strategy for equipping the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • the strategy for the endowment of the Official Protection Service troops;
  • the strategy related to the technical endowment of the Romanian Intelligence Service;
  • the strategy related to the technical endowment of the Special Transmission Service;
  • the strategy for the development of the Romanian civil and military aeronautical industry;
  • the strategy for the development of the electric automotive industry;
  • the strategy for public alimentation in case of emergencies;
  • the energy efficiency strategy to reduce the maintenance costs of special building by up to 70%;
  • the strategy for construction in situations of natural calamities or war.

The economic component

Horus Vision Corp. having a country project as a starting point in discussions with the companies previously mentioned, proposes that the companies that will be established following the offset projects become part of the Romanian companies in their respective fields, which will allow the Romanian Government to capitalize the shares owned in the companies following their listing on international Stock exchanges.

Thus, due to offset projects, we estimate that within approximately five years Romania's GDP will have an increase boost and Romania's negative trade balance will be balanced.

The exports generated by the production capacities developed by these industries, both vertically and horizontally, industries generated by the “Mass Notification System – national warning and voice co-ordination system for natural disasters, terrorism acts, civil conflict, for the essential security interest of the country” offset project are estimated to reach 15 billion euros annually.

The financing required for the offset and international cooperation project will be realized by Horus Vision Corp. from their own sources as well as by attracting projected investment funds, while satisfying Romania's strategic interest in owning shares in newly created companies related to the armaments industry.

Minimum 80% of the value of the offset project

is turning back in investments regarding the offset and industrial cooperation