The companies that will be involved in the “Mass Notification System – national warning and voice co-ordination system for natural disasters, terrorism acts, civil conflict, for the essential security interest of the country” offset project and the industries that will develop, both vertical and horizontally, will produce a predicted number of 20.000 to 50.000 new jobs over the next five to seven years, all the projects use the latest advances in production technologies. Given that the wages will be established by comparison to countries within the European Union, it is sure that by the implementation of this project the decline of the labor force (in which the Romanian Government is investing massively) that in recent years has reached alarming levels, will be greatly decreased.

Another important aspect is the social impact generated by the educational establishments which, in cooperation with the companies established as a consequence of THE PROJECT, will develop programs to further produce an educated and skilled labor force, thus restoring a healthy environment for social development by permanently defining a precise purpose for the citizen of social classes with challenges in supporting children in school.

By implementing this project Romania will reposition itself in terms of its socio-economic position in Europe, becoming a much stronger partner and protector of Euro-Atlantic interests. Furthermore, technology and business districts will be established, such as the Rzeszów area in Poland, which was established as a result of offset projects developed by Poland with important international partners.


Horus Vision Corp. partners will develop production facilities in Romania, creating Romanian companies that will be established as a result of the offset investments in this project, and the supply-chain companies will create an estimate of 20.000 to 50.000 new work places, all the projects use the latest advances in production technologies. The revenues that the Romanian State will help increase the GDP, decrease the social security costs and improve the quality of life in many areas.

The new companies will focus on the production of licensed equipment for both the Romanian State and for export. The exports generated by the production capacities developed by these industries, both vertically and horizontally, industries generated by the “Mass Notification System – national warning and voice co-ordination system for natural disasters, terrorism acts, civil conflict, for the essential security interest of the country” offset project are estimated to reach 15 billion euros annually, within 10 years of the cooperation project implementation.

Thus, due to offset projects, we estimate that within approximately five years Romania's GDP will have an increase boost and Romania's negative trade balance will be balanced.

At last but not least, THE PROJECT will allow for the latest technologies and most innovative industries to become part of the Romanian economic environment, allowing Romania to reduce it's carbon emission footprint, which is a goal for any modern country.


At Horus Vision Corp., as well as our future partners, we are dedicated to providing our partners with a high quality service and the safest working environment for all our employees, distributors and customers. We are aware of our environmental impact by using environmentally friendly products, investing in green technologies as well as monitoring our impact.

THE PROJECT will focus in providing Romania with the latest technologies that have a focus on the enviroment impact of industry. All of our prospected partners and Horus Vision are strong supporters of "The Paris Agreement" and the future our planet.


Horus Vision Corp. understands the importance of corporate social responsibility. We will work to develop products and technologies that will increase the efficiency of energy in our world and aim to build mutually beneficial relationships throughout the manufacturing and commercial process. Please click here to read Horus Vision Corp. CSR strategy.

Minimum 80% of the value of the offset project

is turning back in investments regarding the offset and industrial cooperation